Saturday, May 21, 2011

Thoughts on being a "indoor" beagle

As many of my readers may know Beagles are often compelled to work for their keep by preforming services for humans such as hunting, tracking, sniffing people's bags at airports or in general using our far superior noses to smell things the humans would otherwise be clueless about.  Ironically, since these dogs are actually contributing to society in a somewhat useful way, they are often kept outside (an "outdoor" beagle, if you will). 

I am not one of those Beagles... I am what is known as an indoor beagle (not to be mean but we are far less stinky then some of the outdoor Beagles, who have given all Beagles a bad reputation for stinky-ness... if you keep us inside, we stay nice and fresh for you)

Being an indoor Beagle has definite perks.... such as comfy sleeping spots...

Lots of toys....

A front row seat for when the humans eat things like this.... (and the eternal hop of a dropped crumb)

and once a year the fabulous thing they call a "Christmas Tree"  which appears to primarily for hiding under (I'm still trying to figure out why I get in trouble for this but the presents don't....

This is not to say I don't enjoy the outdoors.  I like a good romp (in a safely fenced yard of course)

A nice sunbath (as long as it's by the pool)

And a lovely spring breeze full of the scent of lilacs (as long as it's enjoyed from my favorite armchair)

Honestly, it's lucky for me that I'm an indoor Beagle for other reasons too . . . the outdoors and I do not get along... I have terrible allergies which cause my lovely snout and eyes to get all red

And itchy...

Which means I have to take meds to keep from scratching myself raw... these meds make me sleepy, so to go back to my first point... it's good for me to be an indoor Beagle...

1 comment:

  1. Monty here...I too love being an indoor have got to come over & go out in my yard. You wouldn't believe the trouble we can get into there! (But, beware - most things will require an immediate bath).
