Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I don't feel so good...

Possibly because I ate a place mat...

M was not pleased to say the least... I've already eaten the two trivets that go with the place mats (she wasn't too happy about that either) Even my best guilty I'm sorry face had little to no effect...

I maintain that I was just trying to see if there were anymore beers on the table... Grandpa and C thought it would be funny to let me lick one the other night...

I liked it.... a lot and I just wanted to see if there were anymore up there... which there weren't so to console myself I went ahead and ate the mat, which I am now regretting.  Last time I ate something I wasn't supposed to, I drooled uncontrollably for about a day and a half.. I'm hoping that doesn't happen this time... last time it did that I drooled all over my paws in my sleep.  Guess that didn't teach me a lesson though!

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