Monday, May 16, 2011

All in the family

It has come to my attention that I have yet to introduce my doggie relatives to the world, a slight oversight on my part which will now be corrected.  I have three doggie relatives, I'm going to call them cousins, Bailey, Seamus and Monty. 

I'll start with Bailey, Grandma J belongs to him. He lives with us, but safely on the other side of the baby gate.  He came to live with us about a year ago... he came billed as a Schnauzer but we all think he's probably more of a mix... a Heinz 57 variety if you will.  Anyway, we pick at each other quite a bit, but still get a long pretty well considering how irritating we can be to each other.  He spends most of his time on the other side of the baby gate (of which I'm terribly afraid) but we meet there often to sniff and say hello.

When we get together we do a lot of running around and chasing each other.  Bailey tends to get yelled at because he's a little bit mouthy with me and every once in awhile he gets one of my ears pretty well and I let out a little whimper.  However, I should fess up and say that really and truly I'm the instigator (I've got a little bit of the devil in me)  but here we are in a rare moment of good behavior...

Then there is Seamus .... the Irish Shih tzu

M's parents Grandma M and Grandpa J belong to him.  They were dogless for awhile ... which I have to admit I selfishly enjoyed because then when I get sent to doggie camp (aka their house) I got all the attention.  Now I have to share them, but I'm happy they found a good doggie to take care of them because let's face it, I couldn't be there all the time.  Seamus and I get a long really well too... sometimes though he won't let me play with my toys and I'm too mild mannered to object but that's ok I hog Grandma's lap when I'm there there so HAHA!

Now for Monty the Norwich terrier.

 Grandma C and Grandpa G belong to him.  He's a good guy.  I don't get to see him very much though, usually when he goes to camp (aka my house) he stays with Bailey who is mature enough to leave him alone after the traditional doggie greeting period.  I on the other hand can't leave other doggies alone... ever... he mistakes my eagerness for obnoxiousness most of the time... I guess I can see his point.  My nose can cause me to be a little obtrusive at I'm a lot bigger than he is.  But I'm always glad when Monty comes to stay.

So those are my closest doggie relatives and their humans.  Honestly I'm more into the humans then their doggies but that's just the kind of dog I am.


  1. Hello my dear Baxter...Monty here. Thanks for saying good things about me and I love doing my camp days with you & Bailey. I'm hoping that as you & I get a little older we can play and have more together time. And, oh, I love my photo!

  2. Hi Monty! We're always glad when you come to stay!! Maybe next year I'll be a little less eager... I'll be three then.

    P.S. I heard you stood up to a goose the other day, that must have been scary... I'm impressed!
