Saturday, May 7, 2011

Fatty Hour

Mom didn't stay home for long after work on Friday which made me sad...

She said she had to leave me to go to "fatty hour"  which as far as I can tell is a semi-regular gathering of her friends from work, where they meet somewhere to gorge themselves on the best (read worst for you) food they can find.   Tonight she came home raving about some "mac-n-cheese 3 ways" thing she had.  This apparently involved three different types of macaroni and cheeses blending together in one fantastical gooey cheesy mass, as well as chorizo sausage and bacon.  Sounds like something M would get a kick out of. She ate that thing and was no good to anyone the rest of the night, something about a "food coma". 

Apparently there were also some wondrous sounding things called cheese fries involved... sounds like a lot of cheese, again pretty typical of what M goes for... It's really no surprise to me and C, after all, Man vs. Food is her favorite T.V. show and have you seen the stuff that guy eats??  I'm a dog and I know it's a miracle of science that he's still up and running. 

Anyway I think that I would make a great addition to the Fatty Hour group.  I as excited about food as my mother does.  Here I am waiting not so patiently for my dinner....

I am sure that I would fit right in with the fatty hour crowd... but sadly restaurants apparently do not allow eager beagles inside.  I have no idea why... perhaps its our general lack of table manners, or the fact that I'd go to almost any ends to get a treat...

Or the fact that unsuspecting visitors to mi casa have been known to have parts of their dinner go missing... personally I think if you aren't quick enough or alert enough to protect your own dinner then you shouldn't get to eat... isn't that what Darwin called survival of the fittest??  Yup, I think it is, and that is my deep thought for the day (just call me Professor Baxter)