Monday, May 23, 2011

The look of guilt

I have several guilty faces this is one of them...

Normally when I am caught like this I am in the act of eating something I shouldn't, the remnants of which are usually in between my lilly white little paws.  Like the time I ate C's sneakers....

Or the time I ate the baseball hat, or the braided trivets or the numerous times I've been caught dissecting a good old fashioned clicky pen with my teeth.  Today however, I was just relaxing minding my own business and cultivating my imagination when M walked in and acted like I was doing something wrong.  Good grief!  These people don't understand the concept of guilty until proven innocent, even though she couldn't find any evidence, I know she's going to be watching me just waiting for me to throw something up later on... stay tuned world.

1 comment:

  1. That's my boy, chewing up my favorite pair of shoes.
