Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day!

So you might be wondering how a beagle spends a three day weekend (keeping in mind that for me all that distinguishes weekdays from weekends are days when my people are home and days when my people are not)... and that I sleep a lot of the time no matter what.

Anyway,  M's parents came over this weekend!  Exciting!!  I haven't seen them in forever, and I love having company!  I offered them my usual joyous welcome howl, I have to get a recording of that at some point for everyone to hear... I can guarantee you haven't heard noise like that before.  Anyway I discovered a wondrous thing call shea butter... apparently used in some lotions.  So I spent an inordinate amount of time licking grandma's legs

I'm not so sure she loved that but oh well.  I heard that I will be spending two whole weeks with them at "camp" this summer!  Can't wait, I just hope that cousin Seamus lets me play with some toys this time.

I also spend some time tracking in the backyard, just to keep the skills up... notice how my forehead gets wrinkled when I'm concentrating on tracking...

I also worked on my tan...

I was thrilled to spend so much time outside with my people... until I realized that they were opening the pool (I do not like that thing) so I decided I would be better off inside....

Later I played with C...

Until I got tired and now I am sitting on my throne, relaxing and trying to catch my breath!

So that's how I spent my three day weekend.  Happy Memorial Day and thank you to all our troops!!

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