Thursday, May 26, 2011

It's been a slow week...

Here in Baxter land.  Readers you will be happy to know that I was vindicated the other night, I didn't throw anything up (at least not that M could find)... I did however almost instantly get myself in trouble by getting caught with both paws on the new coffee table snuffling the new blanket with my picture on it M and C just got. 

I know I'm not supposed to do stuff like that but it smelled good and I just can't help it.  Good smells short circuit my brain. 

Anyway I'm a little grumpy right now because due to an issue with the kitchen sink I was asked to entertain myself this evening, that's in addition to having to entertain myself all day long as usual and that's asking a lot of a guy who can't read or watch T.V.
So I'm compensating for my anger/boredom by tearing around the house and launching myself off my armchair like a bat out of hell... that will teach them to ignore me on a week day!

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