Sunday, May 8, 2011


I had a big weekend, lots of family came over on Saturday so I had lots of greeting to do!  Also lots of begging at the table whenever I was let out of my bed. Consequently I'm in full recovery mode today... had to spend lots of time in the sunshine recharging the beagle batteries.

While I was recharging M was at it again... this time with a true Rochester classic.  The Garbage Plate.

This one's got M's name all over it.  Mac salad, homefries, two cheeseburger patties, hot sauce, and onions.  These are not for picky eaters or the faint of heart (or for that matter people with heart problems).  She said it was delicious, all the flavors blending together into one delightful gooey delicious mess!  Sounds pretty good to me, but what would I know... I only got one lousy homefry.  I was probably lucky to get that, M's kinda like Joey on friends she "don't share food"

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