Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I don't feel so good...

Possibly because I ate a place mat...

M was not pleased to say the least... I've already eaten the two trivets that go with the place mats (she wasn't too happy about that either) Even my best guilty I'm sorry face had little to no effect...

I maintain that I was just trying to see if there were anymore beers on the table... Grandpa and C thought it would be funny to let me lick one the other night...

I liked it.... a lot and I just wanted to see if there were anymore up there... which there weren't so to console myself I went ahead and ate the mat, which I am now regretting.  Last time I ate something I wasn't supposed to, I drooled uncontrollably for about a day and a half.. I'm hoping that doesn't happen this time... last time it did that I drooled all over my paws in my sleep.  Guess that didn't teach me a lesson though!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day!

So you might be wondering how a beagle spends a three day weekend (keeping in mind that for me all that distinguishes weekdays from weekends are days when my people are home and days when my people are not)... and that I sleep a lot of the time no matter what.

Anyway,  M's parents came over this weekend!  Exciting!!  I haven't seen them in forever, and I love having company!  I offered them my usual joyous welcome howl, I have to get a recording of that at some point for everyone to hear... I can guarantee you haven't heard noise like that before.  Anyway I discovered a wondrous thing call shea butter... apparently used in some lotions.  So I spent an inordinate amount of time licking grandma's legs

I'm not so sure she loved that but oh well.  I heard that I will be spending two whole weeks with them at "camp" this summer!  Can't wait, I just hope that cousin Seamus lets me play with some toys this time.

I also spend some time tracking in the backyard, just to keep the skills up... notice how my forehead gets wrinkled when I'm concentrating on tracking...

I also worked on my tan...

I was thrilled to spend so much time outside with my people... until I realized that they were opening the pool (I do not like that thing) so I decided I would be better off inside....

Later I played with C...

Until I got tired and now I am sitting on my throne, relaxing and trying to catch my breath!

So that's how I spent my three day weekend.  Happy Memorial Day and thank you to all our troops!!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Busy day

Greetings Eager Beagle readers, I have had an exhausting day...

First I took a nap in the sun on the deck with Grandma J while M did the shopping and the cleaning and the dishes (I didn't get a picture of that).  Then Bailey and I really started not getting along so M made me come inside, where I was forced to continue my nap

Then several hours later after M and C had done a lot of planting, and working on C's Jeep, I was still deeply involved in my nap...

They looked really mud covered and tired when they came inside. I would have helped but, again the lack of opposable thumbs makes truly contributing difficult for me... to make up for my lack of activity earlier I am now busily attacking my blanket...

Which of course I'm not allowed to do... which is why I'm not being yelled at...

She just doesn't get it... oh well time for another nap.

Friday, May 27, 2011


It is a well known fact that dogs in general are considered to be cute... and that puppies in general are even cuter than dogs...

Well in my opinion Beagles are even cuter than most dogs (I may be prejudiced in this respect) and I am even cuter than most Beagles...

Both as a puppy...

And as a young adult doggie.....

However, it's important to remember that even the most adorable of us can have our off days....

In my defense that was a really long day!

Look into my eyes....

You do not notice me stealing food from the pantry!!!

I am a beagle Jedi, the force is strong in me!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

It's been a slow week...

Here in Baxter land.  Readers you will be happy to know that I was vindicated the other night, I didn't throw anything up (at least not that M could find)... I did however almost instantly get myself in trouble by getting caught with both paws on the new coffee table snuffling the new blanket with my picture on it M and C just got. 

I know I'm not supposed to do stuff like that but it smelled good and I just can't help it.  Good smells short circuit my brain. 

Anyway I'm a little grumpy right now because due to an issue with the kitchen sink I was asked to entertain myself this evening, that's in addition to having to entertain myself all day long as usual and that's asking a lot of a guy who can't read or watch T.V.
So I'm compensating for my anger/boredom by tearing around the house and launching myself off my armchair like a bat out of hell... that will teach them to ignore me on a week day!

Monday, May 23, 2011

The look of guilt

I have several guilty faces this is one of them...

Normally when I am caught like this I am in the act of eating something I shouldn't, the remnants of which are usually in between my lilly white little paws.  Like the time I ate C's sneakers....

Or the time I ate the baseball hat, or the braided trivets or the numerous times I've been caught dissecting a good old fashioned clicky pen with my teeth.  Today however, I was just relaxing minding my own business and cultivating my imagination when M walked in and acted like I was doing something wrong.  Good grief!  These people don't understand the concept of guilty until proven innocent, even though she couldn't find any evidence, I know she's going to be watching me just waiting for me to throw something up later on... stay tuned world.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Thoughts on being a "indoor" beagle

As many of my readers may know Beagles are often compelled to work for their keep by preforming services for humans such as hunting, tracking, sniffing people's bags at airports or in general using our far superior noses to smell things the humans would otherwise be clueless about.  Ironically, since these dogs are actually contributing to society in a somewhat useful way, they are often kept outside (an "outdoor" beagle, if you will). 

I am not one of those Beagles... I am what is known as an indoor beagle (not to be mean but we are far less stinky then some of the outdoor Beagles, who have given all Beagles a bad reputation for stinky-ness... if you keep us inside, we stay nice and fresh for you)

Being an indoor Beagle has definite perks.... such as comfy sleeping spots...

Lots of toys....

A front row seat for when the humans eat things like this.... (and the eternal hop of a dropped crumb)

and once a year the fabulous thing they call a "Christmas Tree"  which appears to primarily for hiding under (I'm still trying to figure out why I get in trouble for this but the presents don't....

This is not to say I don't enjoy the outdoors.  I like a good romp (in a safely fenced yard of course)

A nice sunbath (as long as it's by the pool)

And a lovely spring breeze full of the scent of lilacs (as long as it's enjoyed from my favorite armchair)

Honestly, it's lucky for me that I'm an indoor Beagle for other reasons too . . . the outdoors and I do not get along... I have terrible allergies which cause my lovely snout and eyes to get all red

And itchy...

Which means I have to take meds to keep from scratching myself raw... these meds make me sleepy, so to go back to my first point... it's good for me to be an indoor Beagle...

Friday, May 20, 2011


Hello Eager Beagle readers, Baxter T. Beagle here.  Sorry I haven't been posting as much as usual but I've had a busy week.  We had relatives from Texas staying with us and as you can plainly see, I'm exhausted from fulfilling my hosting duties....

It was well worth it though, we had such a great time... I love having people around during the day, and people coming over to visit all the time, I'm just not used to it.  Plus they bought me a present:

They've clearly got me pegged. 

That's all for now folks, I'm too exhausted to even enjoy my bone... so I must be really tired

More to come once I've recovered from all my excitement!

Monday, May 16, 2011

All in the family

It has come to my attention that I have yet to introduce my doggie relatives to the world, a slight oversight on my part which will now be corrected.  I have three doggie relatives, I'm going to call them cousins, Bailey, Seamus and Monty. 

I'll start with Bailey, Grandma J belongs to him. He lives with us, but safely on the other side of the baby gate.  He came to live with us about a year ago... he came billed as a Schnauzer but we all think he's probably more of a mix... a Heinz 57 variety if you will.  Anyway, we pick at each other quite a bit, but still get a long pretty well considering how irritating we can be to each other.  He spends most of his time on the other side of the baby gate (of which I'm terribly afraid) but we meet there often to sniff and say hello.

When we get together we do a lot of running around and chasing each other.  Bailey tends to get yelled at because he's a little bit mouthy with me and every once in awhile he gets one of my ears pretty well and I let out a little whimper.  However, I should fess up and say that really and truly I'm the instigator (I've got a little bit of the devil in me)  but here we are in a rare moment of good behavior...

Then there is Seamus .... the Irish Shih tzu

M's parents Grandma M and Grandpa J belong to him.  They were dogless for awhile ... which I have to admit I selfishly enjoyed because then when I get sent to doggie camp (aka their house) I got all the attention.  Now I have to share them, but I'm happy they found a good doggie to take care of them because let's face it, I couldn't be there all the time.  Seamus and I get a long really well too... sometimes though he won't let me play with my toys and I'm too mild mannered to object but that's ok I hog Grandma's lap when I'm there there so HAHA!

Now for Monty the Norwich terrier.

 Grandma C and Grandpa G belong to him.  He's a good guy.  I don't get to see him very much though, usually when he goes to camp (aka my house) he stays with Bailey who is mature enough to leave him alone after the traditional doggie greeting period.  I on the other hand can't leave other doggies alone... ever... he mistakes my eagerness for obnoxiousness most of the time... I guess I can see his point.  My nose can cause me to be a little obtrusive at times...plus I'm a lot bigger than he is.  But I'm always glad when Monty comes to stay.

So those are my closest doggie relatives and their humans.  Honestly I'm more into the humans then their doggies but that's just the kind of dog I am.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Things I wonder about...

I wonder...

If I can fly......

Why M won't leave me alone....

What exactly is this thing they call a camera....

What on earth is going on out there....

If they know I'm under here....

What this boot smells like..... (not good)

Who invented the "cone of shame" and why....

Do I get to have a piece of that?

Why is the sun so bright?

And most importantly... will I get in trouble for this?????