Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I'm baaack!!!

Hello Eager Beagle readers, I have returned!

I apologize for the enforced hiatus and thank you to those of you who checked up on me during the month of October!  Alas, typing for yourself is difficult when you don't have opposable thumbs and when your human typist is too caught up working you have few choices other than to let your blog rest awhile.  But now I'm back with a vengeance!  First let's get caught up on what I did during the month of October which, since M is my social director and activities planner in addition to being my typist, wasn't too much.  In fact, it mostly consisted of throwing looks at M.  Here is my "I guess I have nothing better to do than take a sun bath since you are too busy working look"

Here is my... I can't believe you came home so late you interrupted my favorite TV show (Jeopardy) look:

Here is my "your conference call is interrupting my post-dinner/pre-bedtime nap look:

And here I am... having fallen asleep with my giraffe whilst waiting for working to be completed...

Anyone else notice I spend a lot of time on that end of the couch??  Anyway here's to a more adventerous November!! 

Welcome back to me!!!

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