Monday, November 7, 2011

The World's Most Famous Beagle

Apparently it's not me.... I know I was shocked too.  However, the other night M settled me and Bailey on the couch to watch this Snoopy fellow, who apparently is the world's most famous beagle.  I hear he's quite popular on television around the holiday season and this was his Halloween special.

I was horrified to discover that the world's most famous beagle lives in a dog house... must not be all that famous.  But I did enjoy watching one of my own on television.  Despite the fact that I seem to have fallen asleep in the middle, Bailey must have  a longer attention span than I do...

Notice how I take up the majority of the sofa... that's M's fault for getting up to take a picture.  Anyway the next day M and C thought it would be fun to get a picture of me with Snoopy's best friend Woodstock.  At first I wasn't too sure about the whole thing...

Come to find out he's a pretty nice guy....

But I'd rather stick with M and C.

Also on a side note Happy Birthday to Grandpa J!!!  I'm a little mad though, I saw M leave the house with this...

And she came back without most of it... in fact I didn't even get a little bite!  Although I did get a piece of cheese that fell on the floor.  Thanks for that Grandpa J!!


  1. Crumbs from the masters table how wonderful they can be! Great looking pie, homemade?

  2. Yes homemade! It's actually one of M's specialities! I forgot to mention I also got a few apple hunks that dropped on the floor while she was chopping away!
