Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hello Eager Beagle readers and Happy Thanksgiving!

I am thankful for many things today.  My new bone...

which I might add was richly deserved since I was regulated to my beagle bed during the super yummy smelling dinner!

The delicious turkey bird, (a teeny tiny piece made it's way into my dinner dish!)

A special shout out to grandma and grandpa B for the assistance, especially with the bird, I don't think M likes to touch things when they are raw so we might not have gotten around to dinner today if it was all on her. 

Everyone who came over to my house today for the big feast... I do love having company!!

I'm also especially thankful for the fact that I am a spoiled house beagle.  Did you know that due to our general good tempermant and lack of inherited diseases that beagle are actually the animal of choice for lab testing?  Not cool, not cool at all.  Tonight on NBC news they highlighted the beagle freedom project, which is dedicated to freeing beagles from labs all over the world.  Today 41 beagles landed at LAX who had been released from a lab in Spain.  Congratulations to all those lucky beagles and thank you to the humans doing that extra important work.  More information on the beagle freedom project can be found here: 

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!!

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