Sunday, November 27, 2011

The family Christmas Card

Last year M discovered the wonders of the photo Christmas card, in which I featured prominently (of course, I'm the most adorable thing those two have going for them).  Anyway last year we used the photo that tops this blog for the card... this year M got the bright idea it would be fun to have me pose for the card wearing this ridiculous hat the two of them picked up on one of their Disney trips (at least the didn't make me wear M's purple sun hat from the Grand Canyon trip... that horrible idea was briefly tossed around)

Anyway here is the saga of trying to get me to wear the hat. 

They sneakily waited until I had begun my pre-bedtime nap to start this foolishness, perhaps assuming I would be more compliant if I was a little sleepy.... here I am as M places the hat on my head... clearly I'm not totally with it at this point....

I slowly come to the full realization that C has a camera and I'm about to be made to look ridiculous for the sake of some silly card.... 

Grrr... I'm not going to accept this lying down....

Almost there!  Glad this thing has long ears ... just like me... why would you sew ears on a hat??  Humans just want to be dogs that's my opinion....

Maybe if I shake a little bit..

 Got ya!!
 Hmm this could be tasty... I've been known to enjoy a good hat in my day.... 

Things went on like this for quite awhile until the two of them overpowered me and got the hat back on... however I determined not to look pleased about it... no one is going to put a miserable looking dog on a Christmas card.....

I don't know what took so long but finally M went and got some cookies for me, at which point I dropped all pretense of having any principles and perked up... after all a cookie is a cookie and I'll do anything to get one, even suffer humiliation in the name of the Christmas card, so everyone better enjoy!!


  1. Thank you Baxter! You gave me a good laugh!

  2. Anytime cousin Lisa! I live to provide entertainment .... That and to nap!,

  3. you should add a "poor doogie" reaction

  4. An excellent suggestion...I am long suffering in this house! I shall assign that task to my secretary (M) right away!
