Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas!

As you can see I am all tuckered out from all the holiday festivities..

 I had a big day, what with checking out everything under the tree...

 And working to try to get at the dinner leftovers...

Plus the excitement of opening presents, it was all a lot for me to take in... so here I am resting with my present from grandma and grandpa B....

Later on I got snugly with M on the couch.....

And that was how I spent my Christmas... I hope that all my friends had a very happy holiday!

Also just so you are aware, I might be taking a brief hiatus in January.... M has a lot of work to do at her job and apparently won't be available to type out my wonderfully entertaining thoughts for you all.  Rest assured though, I will be back in February!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

A dog and a sac

As my followers may have noticed, my blog hasn't been as active lately as it sometimes is... this obviously isn't my fault since I'm not the one who types it.  My typist however has been preoccupied lately something about "the holidays" and also a project that C has embarked upon.  He is building himself a theater room in the basement.  I have mixed feelings about this, first I am hopeful that he will enclose the stairs so that I will no longer be afraid to venture down them.  Second, I'm jealous because right now all he does is work. 

He is making much progress...

M meanwhile has been either assisting C or attempting to get ready for the holidays in a flurry of activity that included making me pose as Santa and baking a lot of cookies.  Cookies are great, but all this has meant that I have been left alone quite a bit, which for obvious reasons I do not enjoy.  Thus I saw fit to take out my frustrations on M's sneaker....

But today they came home with a fabulous thing called a sac... something kind of like a bean bag chair but big enough for multiple people to sit on and not full of beans.  At first I wasn't sure about it, I am suspicious of anything that shares the floor with me.  But after awhile M heard me barking in the living room and found this...

Me squarely in the sac, barking my approval... clearly this is the best dog bed ever!  And supersized for me!  So excited that my parents bought me a gift to make up for my abandonment.... then I sadly found out that is wasn't for me...

M better watch out for her sneakers and C better make sure I don't get a hold of any of his hats (have we ever discussed how I like to eat hats?)  that's all I've got to say about it!!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

I spend a lot of time napping but....

My dedicated followers will recognize that I spend much of my time like this:

However, that doesn't mean I can't move fast when I think there is something worth moving fast for.... food items would generally fall into that category, as would the arrival of M or C (as long as I'm not asleep, sometimes when I know it's them I don't even bother getting up) or preferably the arrival of anyone of my grandparents.  When either of those two things happen there is quite a lot of motion involved on my part as you can see...


Oh boy!

Here I come..

This is super exciting, I am so hungry!

Look I can clap my ears together...

I better hurry... what if someone else shows up first...

Almost there... luckily my ears can also help slow me down... kind of like a parachute on a drag racing car

Gimme cookie, now please!!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The family Christmas Card

Last year M discovered the wonders of the photo Christmas card, in which I featured prominently (of course, I'm the most adorable thing those two have going for them).  Anyway last year we used the photo that tops this blog for the card... this year M got the bright idea it would be fun to have me pose for the card wearing this ridiculous hat the two of them picked up on one of their Disney trips (at least the didn't make me wear M's purple sun hat from the Grand Canyon trip... that horrible idea was briefly tossed around)

Anyway here is the saga of trying to get me to wear the hat. 

They sneakily waited until I had begun my pre-bedtime nap to start this foolishness, perhaps assuming I would be more compliant if I was a little sleepy.... here I am as M places the hat on my head... clearly I'm not totally with it at this point....

I slowly come to the full realization that C has a camera and I'm about to be made to look ridiculous for the sake of some silly card.... 

Grrr... I'm not going to accept this lying down....

Almost there!  Glad this thing has long ears ... just like me... why would you sew ears on a hat??  Humans just want to be dogs that's my opinion....

Maybe if I shake a little bit..

 Got ya!!
 Hmm this could be tasty... I've been known to enjoy a good hat in my day.... 

Things went on like this for quite awhile until the two of them overpowered me and got the hat back on... however I determined not to look pleased about it... no one is going to put a miserable looking dog on a Christmas card.....

I don't know what took so long but finally M went and got some cookies for me, at which point I dropped all pretense of having any principles and perked up... after all a cookie is a cookie and I'll do anything to get one, even suffer humiliation in the name of the Christmas card, so everyone better enjoy!!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

A Special Place for Special doggies

Hello all,

In the spirit of the holiday season and trying to think of other doggies less fortunate than myself, please check out the new blog that M has begun following.  It can be found at this link and also under my blog list over on the right side there.  This wonderful place takes in and cares for (for life!) handicapped and blind doggies (and cats and horses too).  Reading about this place and these dogs had really touched my heart and I hope it will touch yours as well... perhaps someday M and C will take me to this magical sounding place called New Hampshire so that I may visit these very special dogs and their humans.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hello Eager Beagle readers and Happy Thanksgiving!

I am thankful for many things today.  My new bone...

which I might add was richly deserved since I was regulated to my beagle bed during the super yummy smelling dinner!

The delicious turkey bird, (a teeny tiny piece made it's way into my dinner dish!)

A special shout out to grandma and grandpa B for the assistance, especially with the bird, I don't think M likes to touch things when they are raw so we might not have gotten around to dinner today if it was all on her. 

Everyone who came over to my house today for the big feast... I do love having company!!

I'm also especially thankful for the fact that I am a spoiled house beagle.  Did you know that due to our general good tempermant and lack of inherited diseases that beagle are actually the animal of choice for lab testing?  Not cool, not cool at all.  Tonight on NBC news they highlighted the beagle freedom project, which is dedicated to freeing beagles from labs all over the world.  Today 41 beagles landed at LAX who had been released from a lab in Spain.  Congratulations to all those lucky beagles and thank you to the humans doing that extra important work.  More information on the beagle freedom project can be found here: 

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A good day to stay in bed

Today seemed like a good day to stay in bed... so after M and C left that's where I stayed for the day. 

You know you're jealous!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Anatomy of a Yawn

Hmm I feel sleepy... better wet the lips a little bit..

Isn't my tongue flexible?

One should start slowly... no need to rush into anything and you don't want to over-exert yourself...

Below are the advanced stages of a yawn.... only experienced yawners should attempt this......

The wrap up.....

A little more lip smacking for good measure.....

Hmmmm that felt good.... nap time?

I think so... but is anyone looking?

One more little lick, then off to bed....

Now this is what I'm talking about... all that preparation was worth it!!!  Happy Napping!!


Monday, November 7, 2011

The World's Most Famous Beagle

Apparently it's not me.... I know I was shocked too.  However, the other night M settled me and Bailey on the couch to watch this Snoopy fellow, who apparently is the world's most famous beagle.  I hear he's quite popular on television around the holiday season and this was his Halloween special.

I was horrified to discover that the world's most famous beagle lives in a dog house... must not be all that famous.  But I did enjoy watching one of my own on television.  Despite the fact that I seem to have fallen asleep in the middle, Bailey must have  a longer attention span than I do...

Notice how I take up the majority of the sofa... that's M's fault for getting up to take a picture.  Anyway the next day M and C thought it would be fun to get a picture of me with Snoopy's best friend Woodstock.  At first I wasn't too sure about the whole thing...

Come to find out he's a pretty nice guy....

But I'd rather stick with M and C.

Also on a side note Happy Birthday to Grandpa J!!!  I'm a little mad though, I saw M leave the house with this...

And she came back without most of it... in fact I didn't even get a little bite!  Although I did get a piece of cheese that fell on the floor.  Thanks for that Grandpa J!!