Sunday, December 18, 2011

A dog and a sac

As my followers may have noticed, my blog hasn't been as active lately as it sometimes is... this obviously isn't my fault since I'm not the one who types it.  My typist however has been preoccupied lately something about "the holidays" and also a project that C has embarked upon.  He is building himself a theater room in the basement.  I have mixed feelings about this, first I am hopeful that he will enclose the stairs so that I will no longer be afraid to venture down them.  Second, I'm jealous because right now all he does is work. 

He is making much progress...

M meanwhile has been either assisting C or attempting to get ready for the holidays in a flurry of activity that included making me pose as Santa and baking a lot of cookies.  Cookies are great, but all this has meant that I have been left alone quite a bit, which for obvious reasons I do not enjoy.  Thus I saw fit to take out my frustrations on M's sneaker....

But today they came home with a fabulous thing called a sac... something kind of like a bean bag chair but big enough for multiple people to sit on and not full of beans.  At first I wasn't sure about it, I am suspicious of anything that shares the floor with me.  But after awhile M heard me barking in the living room and found this...

Me squarely in the sac, barking my approval... clearly this is the best dog bed ever!  And supersized for me!  So excited that my parents bought me a gift to make up for my abandonment.... then I sadly found out that is wasn't for me...

M better watch out for her sneakers and C better make sure I don't get a hold of any of his hats (have we ever discussed how I like to eat hats?)  that's all I've got to say about it!!

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