Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Rainy Days

It's been raining a lot here lately.  Rainy days seem to get the humans down.  I don't understand why, I think rainy days are great...

They are perfect for napping...

And I do like a good run in the rain... I just wish I didn't have a white belly because it shows  all  the mud I pick up... and I do love the mud, the best is when it splashes up onto my ears!

Which the humans make a big deal about cleaning off before they let me back on the couch, but that's ok because it means they have to get a towel and I LOVE TOWELS!! 

I think it's because a towel was my very first toy...

Not a very impressive first toy, who brings home a puppy and no toys??  (Sometimes I get the impression those two don't think everything through all the way).  Now they have to hide the towels from me, but when I get muddy they don't have a choice and I get to attack!

So anyway, for me rainy days equal naps, a romp in the mud and a chance to attack my very first and favorite toy, not a bad day all things considered!

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