Monday, May 9, 2011

All about ears

Let me start by saying I love my ears.  They are beautiful, long, soft, floppy very beagle-ish ears! 
Not only are they adorable, they are practical too.  Did you know a beagles ears are so long because they help funnel and concentrate smells right to my very sensitive nose?  Of course they do have a down side, like when you get busted for sticking your head in the empty ice cream container because M notices your ears are all sticky... but I love them anyway.  Here's a good shot of them...

And one more......

So for a little while I've had a lump on one of my ears, it hasn't been bothering at all but M and C kept looking at it, poking it, and otherwise bugging me about it (generally interrupting one of my fifteen daily naps to do so... how rude!) and discussing it over and over again (I got sick of hearing about it actually).  You can see the lump in this picture, that M snapped as I was trying to get away from being poked and prodded again!

 But, the other day the lump got really big and red so today I had to go to the vet.  Now any reason for a trip in the car is a good reason for me!  I love a good car ride... even though they insist that I wear this silly seat belt that makes it look like I'm ready to jump out of a plane.

So even though, most dogs don't like the vet I don't mind at all!  I get a car ride, I get to meet new humans (my favorite thing to do) and I generally get treats (I'm usually so excited it's the only way to get me to sit still on the scale for a fraction of a second).  Plus today there was good news!  My red ear lump was just a cyst, with a tiny infection in it.  Dr. Lewis drained it and all I'm better now.  Plus I get to take pills for a whole week.... peanut butter for me!!! And my ears are back to their golden silky perfection.  Good Deal!  After all that fun I was tuckered out... time to recharge the beagle batteries again!

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