Saturday, May 28, 2011

Busy day

Greetings Eager Beagle readers, I have had an exhausting day...

First I took a nap in the sun on the deck with Grandma J while M did the shopping and the cleaning and the dishes (I didn't get a picture of that).  Then Bailey and I really started not getting along so M made me come inside, where I was forced to continue my nap

Then several hours later after M and C had done a lot of planting, and working on C's Jeep, I was still deeply involved in my nap...

They looked really mud covered and tired when they came inside. I would have helped but, again the lack of opposable thumbs makes truly contributing difficult for me... to make up for my lack of activity earlier I am now busily attacking my blanket...

Which of course I'm not allowed to do... which is why I'm not being yelled at...

She just doesn't get it... oh well time for another nap.

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