Sunday, September 25, 2011

I live to nap

As a beagle I am quite fond of napping... in fact I spend much of my time perfecting the nap and have become quite a connoisseur of napping spots around the casa... here are some of my favorites:

On the couch:

On the chair by the window:

By the pool:

On my dad:

With my mom:

In the dining room:

In the living room:

At the lake:

In my bed:

On my pillow:

Under my pillow:

It is critical to be in the sun if at all possible:

In the human bed (shhhh, I'm not supposed to be here):

And during football season with my football:

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Happy Birthday to me!!!

Yes that's right Eager Beagle readers, today is my birthday!  I'm 3 years old today... technically I should be able to have a celebratory drink (I'm 21 in dog years) but M & C don't seem inclined to give me one and without thumbs I guess I'll just have settle for my frosty paw treat.  In honor of my birthday here's a look back at some of my puppy pictures!!

These are some of my first ever pictures at the house... mostly I slept (except at night M likes to remind me)!

Eventually I got used to my new home, got brave and started to play....

 And explore.... eventually I ate that hat... that was a long afternoon, revisiting the hat was not fun!

What a tough puppy I was... look at me chew on her hand! 

But not so tough that I didn't like to sleep with a few of my toys!

Depending on who you ask I was too smart for my own good... shortly after this was taken I learned how to climb up the bars of my play pen onto the table, then onto the chairs (seen here) and then onto freedom!!  C quickly devised a roof for my play pen...darn it!

All of these leading to me becoming the thoughtful, refined, sophisticated beagle you see above.  All in all it's been a great three years... and I've almost got the humans fully trained! 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

It is well known...

To every house dog that the best, most comfy spot on the couch is the nice pre-warmed spot recently vacated by a human.... I've found it best to not wait for them to get all the way up... M is easily distracted and I've lost out on good body heat because of that.  So now when it looks like they are making a move to get up, I just go ahead and make a move of my own...

Saturday, September 10, 2011

I'm still here

Greeting Eager Beagle readers!

I recognize that M has been terribly tardy at posting my earth shattering thoughts to you lately (I would do it myself, but alas no thumbs... if I had thumbs I would also rule the world but that's another post).  I've spoken to her about this and I hope it will be rectified in the near future... however in her defense it has been busy around here lately.

I personally have been battling an irritating allergy causing me to lick and chew my paws too much...

Winter can't come soon enough for me, I don't like being on my steroids... even though M glares at me every time I say that... it's not my fault she doesn't like to drive in the snow... cars are kind of ridiculous to me anyway, if you can't get there using your paws should you really be going there?
Anyway I was pleased to learn recently of a local baseball team with what I think is a very appropriate name... the Muckdogs!  Excellent choice of name if I do say so myself.  M&C went to one of their games with Grandma C and Grandpa G last weekend and it sounds like they had a good time!  I saw the pictures and it looks like the game was fun, the food was good and of course the company was great!

I was a little disappointed that I couldn't go along after all they are the MuckDOGS... hello!  But sadly I was left at home again...

Saturday, September 3, 2011

I think my bone is under here!!!

Can't quite reach it... sure wish someone would come help me instead of standing there taking pictures... hurry it up M, can't you see this is an emergency?!?!!