Sunday, July 10, 2011

Worn Out

Yesterday was a long day for me.  I was super-duper excited to find out I had a play date with Seamus in am.  We played for three whole hours!  And that whole time people kept coming and going from Grandma and Grandpa B's house.  Every time that happened I would get super-duper excited again.  That was totally exhausting for me, especially since I usually sleep my way through most of the mornings.... I had to nap when I got home...

Then when I woke up finally (after dinner which is really rare of me to sleep through dinner, I never miss an opportunity for human food) I could tell C really really wanted to play with me in the backyard and who am I to disappoint??  So I went out there with him..... and then came in and collapsed again!

Today I think I'm just going to take it easy, like an eager beagle should!

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