Monday, July 4, 2011

A quick note...

M thinks that she fixed the comment setting on the blog and all readers should be able to comment anonymously now without having to sign in.... again I say she thinks she fixed it so you never know, she's not exactly a technological wiz kid! 

Please leave me some love for when I'm done sun bathing by the pool!


  1. Looks like the anonyomous comment is working, but for some reason the newest picture you posted isn't showing up. Maybe it is just my PC, but all the rest of your pictures work fine. We missed you at the party yesterday Baxter, but tell M and C it was good seeing them this weekend.


  2. Thanks Eileen, I had M correct the issue with the picture! M and C said they had fun at the party too. I've been told I'm a little too eager for a party, it's ok though. It would have cut into my nap time :)
