Saturday, July 30, 2011

Rocker Beagle

M & C had some friends over this week to play something called "rock band."  Being my usual eager self, I greeted them loudly at the door (aren't bands all about singing?) and then set out to find out what exactly this rock band game involved (perhaps it is like fetch?  I do like to fetch!) 

Alas, there were no rubber bowling pins invloved, but rather long pieces of wood (sticks??!?!!) this naturally made me very curious...
It also seemed to involve banging them around on things... this made me even more eager to be involved (since no one seemed to appreciate my signing earlier)

Utill I got hit on the nose with one of those stick type things... accidentally but *OUCH* my nose is very sensitive.  After that I was slightly less eager to be involved...

I am also exhausted... clearly I was not cut out for the life of a rock star!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Best of Both Worlds

Warm wonderful sunshine and the cool comfortable air conditioner.... when you consider the fact that I could be a "hunting" beagle (although given the fact I never really notice the baby rabbits hopping about the yard I don't really think I was built for that) this really is the life!!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Its so hot out....

That I'd really like to play with my toy....

but it doesn't seem worth the effort!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thoughts of the day

Please bring back that shirt I was chewing on, I won't swallow it I promise!

There is nothing better than a good scratch from a friend!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Remember me

M and C have been extremely busy lately... not to knock them or anything but they usually don't do much after work except hang out with me... which suits me just fine.  All of a sudden they've got stuff to do apparently because they haven't been around much since last week.  So the other morning I thought I'd better remind them that I need their attention to....

I'm not sure how pleased they were but I had a thoroughly enjoyable early morning nap with my favorite humans!

Saturday, July 16, 2011


M has been playing with my ears again

I am not amused and therefore am hiding in the sun...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

It's Taco Night!

At mi casa (that's my house for those of you who don't speak Spanish like I do, I'm very advanced for a beagle).  And look how excited I am about tacos!!

My tail moves this fast for very few things.. and tacos are one of them.  I live in eternal hope of a dropped crumb...

However tonight all my hopes were shattered... not a thing fell on the floor so now I am giving M the cold shoulder... it's all her fault.

Maybe next time.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Worn Out

Yesterday was a long day for me.  I was super-duper excited to find out I had a play date with Seamus in am.  We played for three whole hours!  And that whole time people kept coming and going from Grandma and Grandpa B's house.  Every time that happened I would get super-duper excited again.  That was totally exhausting for me, especially since I usually sleep my way through most of the mornings.... I had to nap when I got home...

Then when I woke up finally (after dinner which is really rare of me to sleep through dinner, I never miss an opportunity for human food) I could tell C really really wanted to play with me in the backyard and who am I to disappoint??  So I went out there with him..... and then came in and collapsed again!

Today I think I'm just going to take it easy, like an eager beagle should!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Slow week

It's been a really slow week here in Eager Beagle land, M & C have been out of the house a lot working or seeing friends (by the way I think I have a new girlfriend her name is Erica, I met her on Wednesday and she let me stare into her eyes so I think she loves me too).  Anyway, I have retaliated to this lack of personal time with my people by waking M up earlier and earlier every day today it was 4 am, she was less than pleased.  But she did say that she got a lot of work done when she got to the office at 5:45 and she was almost home on time today so I think she should consider a favor.  So now that M and C are both home there's only one thing to be said....

You are going to play with me right?!?!?!?!!!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th!

First of all let me just say that I had a delightful 4th of July weekend and I hope everyone did too.  At the very least I hope you all didn't have to work like M and C did.  Between the two of them they put in 40 hours from Friday night through Sunday morning.  Ugh, I'm forever grateful dogs like me aren't expected to work, all that working would really cut into my nap times.  So, after all that working M was really worn out and she decided to take a nap... and I decided I better stand guard so no one would wake her up but then I fell asleep too... I don't think she noticed though.

Then later on that night I discovered that there are baby rabbits crawling all over my yard!  There are some really baby babies and some slightly older ones.  One of the older ones was hiding under a rose bush, you have to look really hard to see him, but he's in there hiding under a large weed... for once I guess it's good M's a little behind on weeding.

Now I would have loved to have made friends with the little guys but M thinks I'll scare them to death so they are keeping me and Bailey away from the nest. Although I don't even think Bailey knows they are there... his nose isn't as refined as mine.  Mommy rabbit wasn't too thrilled to meet me the other night.. I don't know why, can't she tell I'm too much of a house beagle to be a hunter?

Anyway after all that excitement, it was time for a belly rub... C gives the best belly rubs...

And then some exercise in the back yard... which I'm still recovering from...

Hope the fireworks don't keep me up tonight... I'll just have to start my pre-bedtime nap early!!

A quick note...

M thinks that she fixed the comment setting on the blog and all readers should be able to comment anonymously now without having to sign in.... again I say she thinks she fixed it so you never know, she's not exactly a technological wiz kid! 

Please leave me some love for when I'm done sun bathing by the pool!