Monday, June 20, 2011

I will be taking a break from blogging for a few days...

because M is out of town on a business trip and I find it very difficult to make any posts without her assistance.  Paws are just not as functional as hands unfortunately (I'd be able to open the refrigerator if they were).

I'm not happy about this development but apparently I don't get a say in the matter!!


  1. Oh Baxter! There are so many of your posts that I want to comment - "poor baby". What will you possibly do with yourself while M is away and you can't get to the computer??? Hope M has a good trip!!

  2. I am really going to miss you, Baxter, for the next few days. Maybe M will get bored with her work and help you write anyway. You are the best diversion she could ever be diverted by!
