Sunday, June 12, 2011

I know you can't tell from this picture but...

I'm protesting my humans right now.  Why?  Because after leaving me all week to do whatever it is they do when humans go to "work" they also left me today to go visit the park where they got married.  Whatever, I don't know why I couldn't go... they said something about my tendency to bark like a maniac and jump up on people I don't know but again I say whatever if they're strangers then clearly they don't know you so why do you care if they think you have an insane doggie??  Hello people Sundays are supposed to be all about me... who wouldn't want to spend the whole day with this sweet face??

GRRR I'm so irritated about the whole thing I could just have a "accident" in the house... maybe I'll go find a good spot to have one...

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