Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas!

As you can see I am all tuckered out from all the holiday festivities..

 I had a big day, what with checking out everything under the tree...

 And working to try to get at the dinner leftovers...

Plus the excitement of opening presents, it was all a lot for me to take in... so here I am resting with my present from grandma and grandpa B....

Later on I got snugly with M on the couch.....

And that was how I spent my Christmas... I hope that all my friends had a very happy holiday!

Also just so you are aware, I might be taking a brief hiatus in January.... M has a lot of work to do at her job and apparently won't be available to type out my wonderfully entertaining thoughts for you all.  Rest assured though, I will be back in February!

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