Saturday, December 3, 2011

I spend a lot of time napping but....

My dedicated followers will recognize that I spend much of my time like this:

However, that doesn't mean I can't move fast when I think there is something worth moving fast for.... food items would generally fall into that category, as would the arrival of M or C (as long as I'm not asleep, sometimes when I know it's them I don't even bother getting up) or preferably the arrival of anyone of my grandparents.  When either of those two things happen there is quite a lot of motion involved on my part as you can see...


Oh boy!

Here I come..

This is super exciting, I am so hungry!

Look I can clap my ears together...

I better hurry... what if someone else shows up first...

Almost there... luckily my ears can also help slow me down... kind of like a parachute on a drag racing car

Gimme cookie, now please!!


  1. Baxter this action shots of you seem pretty good, what kind of camera does M use?

  2. Well to be honest most of the photographic credits on this blog belong to C... His camera of choice is a Sony cybershot 16.2 megapixle....whatever that is....
