Saturday, July 30, 2011

Rocker Beagle

M & C had some friends over this week to play something called "rock band."  Being my usual eager self, I greeted them loudly at the door (aren't bands all about singing?) and then set out to find out what exactly this rock band game involved (perhaps it is like fetch?  I do like to fetch!) 

Alas, there were no rubber bowling pins invloved, but rather long pieces of wood (sticks??!?!!) this naturally made me very curious...
It also seemed to involve banging them around on things... this made me even more eager to be involved (since no one seemed to appreciate my signing earlier)

Utill I got hit on the nose with one of those stick type things... accidentally but *OUCH* my nose is very sensitive.  After that I was slightly less eager to be involved...

I am also exhausted... clearly I was not cut out for the life of a rock star!

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