Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th!

First of all let me just say that I had a delightful 4th of July weekend and I hope everyone did too.  At the very least I hope you all didn't have to work like M and C did.  Between the two of them they put in 40 hours from Friday night through Sunday morning.  Ugh, I'm forever grateful dogs like me aren't expected to work, all that working would really cut into my nap times.  So, after all that working M was really worn out and she decided to take a nap... and I decided I better stand guard so no one would wake her up but then I fell asleep too... I don't think she noticed though.

Then later on that night I discovered that there are baby rabbits crawling all over my yard!  There are some really baby babies and some slightly older ones.  One of the older ones was hiding under a rose bush, you have to look really hard to see him, but he's in there hiding under a large weed... for once I guess it's good M's a little behind on weeding.

Now I would have loved to have made friends with the little guys but M thinks I'll scare them to death so they are keeping me and Bailey away from the nest. Although I don't even think Bailey knows they are there... his nose isn't as refined as mine.  Mommy rabbit wasn't too thrilled to meet me the other night.. I don't know why, can't she tell I'm too much of a house beagle to be a hunter?

Anyway after all that excitement, it was time for a belly rub... C gives the best belly rubs...

And then some exercise in the back yard... which I'm still recovering from...

Hope the fireworks don't keep me up tonight... I'll just have to start my pre-bedtime nap early!!

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