Monday, June 6, 2011

Thoughts on buttercups

Good Evening Eager Beagle readers,

As you can see I'm in a somewhat exhausted/thoughtful state tonight having worn myself out earlier in the yard playing with my green bowling pins. So I think tonight I will relate to you a delightful story about my first experience with "buttercups."

For those of you who don't know, this is a buttercup:

I was watching M pull weeds when she discovered this, I was delighted to find out that there is a lovely yellow flower named after one of my absolutely favorite foods and according to her grandfather if you hold a buttercup under your chin and it turns yellow you must like butter...apparently as a child her chin always turned yellow, setting her up for her life long love of butter (or at least that's her excuse).  Of course my chin turned yellow as well... and since there was no butter within reach I then tried to eat the buttercup.. M got it away from me just in time. Oh well maybe it's time to go see if the butter dish is anywhere within reach...

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