Monday, June 13, 2011

I would like to clarify ...

Something that was included in my last blog post about my tendency to "bark like a maniac and jump up on strangers."  Just so we're all on the same page, I do that not because I don't like strangers or because I don't want to meet them.  In fact, it's exactly the opposite, I so greatly desire to meet these "strangers" who to me are all really just new best friends waiting to be made, that I can not control all my beagle-ish excitement and my desire to cover them with doggie kisses which I have heard not all people like, but I refuse to believe that!  This over-exuberance has in times past found me rearing up on my hind legs waving my front paws and howling to try to attract my new friends attention... somehow this causes M and C great embarrassment... sometimes I do not understand them.  Anyway to make sure I get my point across I'm not a maniac or a bad dog  I just love people and desire to meet every single one I see!  So if you see a beagle frantically howling and waving at you with his front paws, stop by and say hello!  You never know it might be me, the Eager Beagle!

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