Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!!

Happy Easter to all my readers! I had quite the weekend so I feel the need to recharge the beagle batteries by sitting in the sun while M does all my thinking...I mean typing!  It all started when M saw this little guy half frozen wandering my front yard Friday morning...

I like to call him Fritz... fits him don't you think? Seems he had wandered away from his home without his hardware (tags) on.  C subsequently got him inside and took him off to work (a fact I'm kind of jealous of, I've never been to "work" but this little guy obviously had a rough night so I didn't make a fuss about it).  Luckily C turned him over to the Town of Gates and his owners were able to get him back... I love a story with a good ending!

The rest of the weekend was more run of the mill doggie type stuff... some major chewing on my favorite green toy...

And for some reason choosing to face the wall behind the chair for about an hour....

I don't even know why I was doing that... I think maybe I saw a spider?!  Then today I got left at home (shocking how often that happens isn't it?!!) for a meal I'm not overly familiar with called "brunch"... at this fabulous affair Grandma M thought it would be a good idea to give C some toys with which to tease me (thanks a LOT for that!)  The Chinese Yo-yo didn't amuse me as much as everyone thought it would but the little roll toy sure did!  Anything that shares the floor with me is always of interest. 

First I approached cautiously....

Sniffed tentatively... (notice how my ears are in defensive mode just in case...)

And then barked loudly just so he knew who was boss...

I think he's convinced... or at the very least he hasn't dared to make a re-appearance on the floor for the last few hours!!

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