Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sleepy Beagle

Hi all,

Not much going on in beagle land lately... until last night!  My friend Erica came over last night (M says she's really her friend, but I know the truth she came to see me)... remember I wrote about her last year... I thought she was my new girlfriend but apparently she's married.  He's a pretty cool guy though, he didn't seem to mind when I jumped on him, that's always a plus to me!  Anyway I was glad to see them, I hope I wasn't too offensive with my jumping and licking!  I'm all worn out from that today, so I took my teddy onto M and C's bed to recover a little beagle energy...

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

My Trip to the vet!

Some of my regular readers will remember about a year ago I developed a cyst on one of my beautiful silky ears, which I will probably have to have drained regularly for the rest of my life.  Well on Saturday it started to leak again, which had to be addressed right away for two different reasons.  First, from my point of view no dignified beagle walks around with leaking ears because it is both a) gross and b) undignified and secondly because M said it could get infected.  So Monday turned out to be time for a trip to the vet.... there are few things in the world I enjoy more than a trip to the vet!  Seriously, it's a place full of friendly people... why would I not enjoy it??

Here I am thinking "oh I guess I'm getting left at home again"  just give me the cookies and go (don't forget the cookies or I'll eat something of yours)

"Hey wait a second... that's the drawer where she keeps my going out gear!"

"Oh boy!!!  That's the sound of my tags!  I get to go too!!!!" At this point I became too much of a blur of motion to take a picture of until I was belted into the car.

No, I will not look at you until you are in your seat and this car is in motion... come on hurry up!

Um, I don't mean to backseat drive but watch your mirrors mom, you know you aren't any good in reverse!

Oh yay!  My favorite place, I'm pretty sure they keep cookies on that counter!!

I love it here!  This is the door the friendly people always come through... an then they give me a cookie!
The anticipation is killing me!!!  Where is she???

Phew!  That was exhausting... sharing all my love can really wear a beagle out.

Hey!  Give me that report card... I want to see how much I weigh... I know that stupid scale is telling lies again!!

Thanks to everyone at Stone Ridge Veterinary hospital for taking care of my adorable ears!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!!

Happy Easter to all my readers! I had quite the weekend so I feel the need to recharge the beagle batteries by sitting in the sun while M does all my thinking...I mean typing!  It all started when M saw this little guy half frozen wandering my front yard Friday morning...

I like to call him Fritz... fits him don't you think? Seems he had wandered away from his home without his hardware (tags) on.  C subsequently got him inside and took him off to work (a fact I'm kind of jealous of, I've never been to "work" but this little guy obviously had a rough night so I didn't make a fuss about it).  Luckily C turned him over to the Town of Gates and his owners were able to get him back... I love a story with a good ending!

The rest of the weekend was more run of the mill doggie type stuff... some major chewing on my favorite green toy...

And for some reason choosing to face the wall behind the chair for about an hour....

I don't even know why I was doing that... I think maybe I saw a spider?!  Then today I got left at home (shocking how often that happens isn't it?!!) for a meal I'm not overly familiar with called "brunch"... at this fabulous affair Grandma M thought it would be a good idea to give C some toys with which to tease me (thanks a LOT for that!)  The Chinese Yo-yo didn't amuse me as much as everyone thought it would but the little roll toy sure did!  Anything that shares the floor with me is always of interest. 

First I approached cautiously....

Sniffed tentatively... (notice how my ears are in defensive mode just in case...)

And then barked loudly just so he knew who was boss...

I think he's convinced... or at the very least he hasn't dared to make a re-appearance on the floor for the last few hours!!