Friday, June 15, 2012

My big night out!

Since I will be spending some time at camp GrandmaGrandpa this summer I went over there last night to re-acquaint myself with their doggie Seamus....

I found all this to be very exciting... it was hard for me to sit still

Seamus was excited too

There was so much to smell!!

I found a few crumbs that Seamus left behind... silly boy

I was anxious to assist with dinner, my offer was declined

Are you sure you don't need me in there???

Seamus showing off his table manners...  I was banished during dinner, if you ask me I think it's a little rude to sleep at the table but whatever...

After dinner exploring, this is right before I did a ninja leap to catch up with Seamus

Who was on his way to treat central

He got a better position due to his non-threatening size...

But I made sure that my presence was known

At one point Seamus demonstrated that he too is a jedi dog... this scared me a little...

What is he doing??? I think I'm safer up here....

All in all it went quite well, I'll be happy to spend time at camp this year!!

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