Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I'm back!! (again)

Hi all! 

I know it's been a long and beagle-less month for all my readers... sorry about that guys, but trust me its been worse here.  I've barely seen either of my parents all month long.  M has been super busy with this thing humans have called "jobs"  I don't see what all the fuss is about those, but apparently that's what keeps me well fed so I guess it's important that she has one, since I don't like to be hungry (I don't like to be ignored either but whatever).  And C has been super busy in the basement, but more on that later.

So it's been a long month for poor little me, but many things around here haven't changed.  For example the Christmas tree is still in the living room!!  That's good for me because I like to hide under it, M seems to think it's embarrassing though, I've heard rumors it's coming down this weekend, I better enjoy it while I can....

I still do naughty things, like stealing items off the counters and eating them...

caught in the act darn it all!

I still love animal crackers...

 (don't worry I got one)

and of course I still love to sleep... good thing too since that's how I've been filling my time lately...

But then again many things around here changed this month primarily due to C since M was nowhere to be found... I'm super excited because the dark scary basement, with the super scary open stairs has become a wonderfully cozy "movie room"

turns out the stairs aren't so scary once they are covered in carpet

and thankfully the movie room turns out to be another pretty excellent place to take a nap!!


  1. The movie room looks great! nice job!

  2. Thanks!! I'm the design brain behind that project... C just get's all the glory because he as opposable thumbs!
