Sunday, September 18, 2011

Happy Birthday to me!!!

Yes that's right Eager Beagle readers, today is my birthday!  I'm 3 years old today... technically I should be able to have a celebratory drink (I'm 21 in dog years) but M & C don't seem inclined to give me one and without thumbs I guess I'll just have settle for my frosty paw treat.  In honor of my birthday here's a look back at some of my puppy pictures!!

These are some of my first ever pictures at the house... mostly I slept (except at night M likes to remind me)!

Eventually I got used to my new home, got brave and started to play....

 And explore.... eventually I ate that hat... that was a long afternoon, revisiting the hat was not fun!

What a tough puppy I was... look at me chew on her hand! 

But not so tough that I didn't like to sleep with a few of my toys!

Depending on who you ask I was too smart for my own good... shortly after this was taken I learned how to climb up the bars of my play pen onto the table, then onto the chairs (seen here) and then onto freedom!!  C quickly devised a roof for my play pen...darn it!

All of these leading to me becoming the thoughtful, refined, sophisticated beagle you see above.  All in all it's been a great three years... and I've almost got the humans fully trained! 


  1. Happy Birthday Baxter I'll tip one back for you!

  2. Wake up Baxter! and get over to the keyboard and do a little typing. You don't always have to rely on M to do the typing do you?
