Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Don't try this at home!

Daytime napping can be a tricky undertaking.  You have to deal with way more light and noise then you do at night.  It's critical to find a place that will allow you to block those out while remaining comfortable.  Luckily I am a highly skilled, professional napper:

Pillows work quite effectively as light and sound barriers.... but it's critically important to leave yourself room to breath....

Notice how I'm treading the fine line of allowing my nose to get to the air, while my eyes remain in the shadow of the pillow, it's a delicate and importance balance.  Hence, why it is extremely important to leave the daytime napping to professionals like me!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

I got to go on a VACATION!!!

Sometimes in the summer I go to camp when my parents go out of town, but this year I got to go too!!!  It was all very exciting.  I thought I'd better keep a photo diary, so here is my impression of the family trip to Vermont.

Oh boy, I'm super excited...

Are we there already?  Hmm, I thought Vermont would be further way, it sounds very exotic! I found out later this was just a stop so M & C could "gas up"... I think it has something to do with food, because M got a bagel, the car got a drink too....

I don't want to miss a second of the fun, but the motion of the car makes me sleepy...I try to fight against it but....

Eventually I gave in

Hey!  Where is C going?  Are we there???  (another false alarm it was only a lunch break)

Ahh here we go!

What a view!  And the smells coming from the forest!!!  So exciting!

Oh good, I found a couch and some sun, I wasn't sure there would be either in Vermont!  Plus great news Grandma and Grandpa B were there with Seamus (aka Moose)!!!

Moose and I quickly settled into a routine of waiting to come inside....

And then wanting to go back out!

The humans spent quite a bit of time here, in the water and on that floaty thing (looked dangerous to me)

There was even a potential friend for me and Moose in the pond, a local otter!

However, as Moose and I are not water dogs (we could be, we just prefer not to be), we spent a good deal of time here, on the lovely deck, smelling the delicious smells

Moose is very vigilant when his people are swimming...

Still on watch... I myself am more of a napper, if they want to do a silly thing like swim that's their own problem, and I'm not going to let it interfere with my schedule.

Luckily, there was lots of time for napping!

We also got to take fantastic walks every morning with Grandpa B and M, in the woods!  Lots to smell, one day I met a black lab... turns out my howl really echos over the mountains... sorry to everyone I woke up early!!

There were also lots of side trips, since M was along they mostly had to do with food!  Here I am super excited to be arriving at the home of the world's greatest ice cream Ben & Jerry's!!!!

Here I am finding out they don't allow doggies inside... how disappointing...

Moose took the news stoically, luckily it was a very cool morning and the van has super sun shades and tinted windows so by the time they got back, we were both sound asleep.

M distressed me by eating this one night for dinner...  I know we all eat animals... but this one still had it's face on!!!  Disturbing, I'll have to keep an eye on her!!

And here I am told is the home of the best pancakes in Vermont (possibly anywhere)... again dogs not allowed... what a terrible policy, there was a baby at the table next to M who put more food on the floor than in his mouth, if I had been there I could have cleaned it up more thoroughly than any human in there... and you wouldn't even have to pay me!  People need to think outside of the box a little more!

I had so much fun, I got a little silly... look I'm batdog!

I didn't want to leave... here I am refusing to take one last look out the window

And this is how I spent literally the entire ride home... M kept trying to get me to take a potty break but I wasn't having any of it!