Thursday, July 26, 2012

Who needs thumbs??!!

My regular readers will remember that I have often lamented my lack of thumbs... they seem so terribly useful for things like, opening doors, peeling bananas, typing, reading and of course eventual world domination (which is my ultimate goal)

Today, I took a huge step toward fulfilling that goal, I learned how to use a zipper!!!  This was the ultimate result...

M & C were clueless about the fact that I've been working on this for awhile (although M claims that she noticed last night that the pillow was about 1/2 way unzipped... thank goodness she got distracted and never zipped it up, that would have undone a weeks worth of work!)  I delicately unzipped the pillow and then enthusiastically removed the stuffing (which was great fun) until I was caught red pawed!!  Notice how I'm trying to blend the perfect amount of "who me?" innocence and "yes I'm that smart" smug-ness into this picture!

So one small step closer to not needing those stupid thumb things, they aren't so special anyway!!  I do admit though that stuffing although it appeared marshmallow like, was not all that tasty... and it's still stuck in my teeth!

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