Sunday, May 27, 2012

Cone watch day 586

Oh...wait a second, M has just informed me that it is only day five.  Hmmm, feels longer but then again, I'm not the best judge of the passage of time, so it's possible I'm slightly off.  Anyway status STILL coned! I thought I had gotten out of it... but I made the mistake of scratching my ear last night so...
Coned again... I have done many things to try and keep my spirits up...

I tried helping C but the cone got in the way...

I thought about taking a dip... but I'm not the best swimmer so I thought better of it....

Then I tried laying in the sun, which cone or no cone is always delightful...

You know what would cheer me up... one of these..........

Which I know M had tonight and she didn't bring me ANY!  How rude, so I"m giving her the cold shoulder.....

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