Wednesday, May 30, 2012

And the saga of the cone continues

Not happy about that... but you know the best part of having an infected ear??? 


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Cone watch day 586

Oh...wait a second, M has just informed me that it is only day five.  Hmmm, feels longer but then again, I'm not the best judge of the passage of time, so it's possible I'm slightly off.  Anyway status STILL coned! I thought I had gotten out of it... but I made the mistake of scratching my ear last night so...
Coned again... I have done many things to try and keep my spirits up...

I tried helping C but the cone got in the way...

I thought about taking a dip... but I'm not the best swimmer so I thought better of it....

Then I tried laying in the sun, which cone or no cone is always delightful...

You know what would cheer me up... one of these..........

Which I know M had tonight and she didn't bring me ANY!  How rude, so I"m giving her the cold shoulder.....

Friday, May 25, 2012

Cone Watch Day three

Today's status -- Still coned

My current favorite prank is to pretend to scratch my ear when the cone is off... it sends all the humans into quite a tizzy.... serves them right.

Below are some pictures from my last experience with cones...

The stand still defense...

Please, please take this off...

And M's personal favorite.....

The time I got my toy duck stuck in my first cone....hysterical I know

Thursday, May 24, 2012

My Beagle Bump

That's what M calls it, it's really a cyst on my ear (my lovely soft, silky, floppy beagle ears) popped the other day (gross I know) which is what regulated me to the cone of shame.  Let me clear I hate the cone.  It is a) humiliating... I could totally tell that Boxer puppy was laughing at me when I was in the waiting room, I could see it all over his big silly face. And b) terrifying, I keep bumping it into things which is loud and confusing for me.  So clearly the only course of action was to stand still in the kitchen ...

And refuse to eat (this has never happened before) until this strange form of punishment was removed...

Which it was not, but at least M eventually lifted me onto my favorite chair...

However, then she and C began to make up nicknames for me... so far C is winning with satellite (he thinks he's hysterical, wait till this comes off and I eat his Tevas I know they are in the kitchen).  M keeps calling it my bonnet because the bow keeps falling under my chin....I am less than amused

Then today yay! It was removed...

However, I'm still cautiously guarding my ear....

And I heard a rumor I have to sleep with it on again tonight, so I'm still not a happy camper !

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Today was not my day....

For obvious reasons...

Sadly I have been regulated to a cone.  More on that later... I have to go find somewhere to stand where this silly thing won't scrape the floors or the walls because that scares me....

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Moves like Baxter!

Some of you may be familiar with the recently popular song "Moves like Jagger" well I think it should be called moves like Baxter .... check out my moves!!

The "flying beagle"

The "will you play with me wiggle"..

The "yes I remember how to sit, sit"

The "jump for joy leap"

The ever popular "sprinkler"

And finally, "the happy beagle"

Eat your heart out Jagger!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Monday, May 7, 2012

It's a ho hum kind of day around here...

The weather is rainy, I see M has done a terrible job keeping up with the blog lately and quite frankly I'm bored.  What to do about that???  I know, it's time for a return visit from....

Jedi Beagle!!!!

M you will do a better job with the blog.... and while you are at it you WILL make me a cheeseburger!