Friday, March 16, 2012

Pancakes!!! (and a guest blogger)

Hello Seamus T. Shih tzu, guest blogger here! I'm taking over the beagle blog to narrate the story of the great pancake adventure.  As you can see I'm a very portable sized doggie who lends himself easily to road trips, which is why I got to go along... plus I needed to try out my new car seat, pictured here. 

So today M and my parents (who are also her parents... is that weird?) piled in the car to partake in a great Ballerstein family tradition... buckwheat pancakes.  Which are found here...

Cartwright's Maple Tree Inn, in Angelica NY, a short 1 1/2 hour car ride from Rochester. During this car ride we did determine that my new safety seat works well since we went down a country road that wasn't exactly paved... my dad's car got a little dirty...

 Their specialty is buckwheat pancakes with maple syrup and is a favorite stop in this family.  The restaurant is only open for the 9 weeks of syrup season and so it's always packed, even at 11:30 on a Friday...

(this is a better illustration of the ridiculous amount of pancakes on the grill not how packed the place was)

  I heard that the plates and plates of buckwheat pancakes, homemade sausage, ham and fresh homemade maple syrup were delicious....

However, I was left behind in the family's mad dash for the door.  I'm sure Baxter feels my pain.  Here I am waiting expectantly for a plate to delivered to the car...

I was however, sorely disappointed to discover there were no leftovers (NO LEFTOVERS???!!?!) and so elected to curl up in my new seat and sleep in the sun the whole way home depriving the humans of the pleasure of my personality...

At least I got to go... poor Baxter was left at home to fend for himself in his own sunspot..

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