Monday, February 6, 2012

Musings on the front window...

It is well known around the house that I LOVE the front window, M and C have quite thoughtfully placed my favorite chair there so that I may watch the goings on, on the street.  I see many fantastic things from my favorite spot... kids going to school (to whom I always bark hello!), other dogs on walks (always a cause for loud barking... it isn't polite to let another dog pass without inviting them to play), leaves blowing down the street (more barking... don't stop in this yard!!), the cat from the neighbors house (another cause for loud barking, he never seems interested in playing with me but you never know he might change his mind) and one I even saw a fox (cause for MUCH barking, mostly because I didn't know what he was). 
Anyway despite my attachment to the chair/window combination M & C insist on moving it once a year only to put up the "Christmas Tree"... whatever.... here I am watching with much consternation as my spot is dismantled:

This was followed by much nervous pacing... AHHHH!  Where is my chair... how will I reach the widow??  Ahhh!

I resign my self to napping in the chair on the other side of the room... *sigh* this is no where near as fun, now where near as interesting... nothing to see in the silly backyard

Maybe if I nap under the tree it will be better...

It isn't .... plus M yells at me to get out from there... ahhh I hate this month!

Then finally... the joy!!  The relief!!  My chair is back....

I can once again patrol the neighborhood and make sure none of the trees (or that cat) get out of line!

Baxter is back on duty!!

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