Wednesday, June 11, 2014

I've moved!

Good news beagles fans, I'm back up and running on a new site, M has promised me more regular updates so stop on over and check me out!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Happy Holidays!!

Hi there Baxter T Beagle here! Just checking in from under the Christmas trees (where I'm not supposed to be) to wish everyone a very happy holiday season! I've been busy keeping a close watch for Santa but now that my calendar has cleared up I hope to do more blogging in the new year!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving ... a little bit early!

Hi Eager Beagle fans!  I'm still here, I know I've been away for a long while but it couldn't be helped.  I had a few little health problems and my pain meds although extremely appreciated leave me in no condition to write a blog, in fact they mostly leave me sleepy...

I asked M not to put in this picture of me sleeping and sucking my paw but she wouldn't listen and I don't know where the delete key is so there you have it.  Anyway I'm well on the road to recovery and should be back to my devilishly beagle-esq self in no time and for that we are all very thankful!!!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Sorry beagle fans...

I know I've been a little slow with the blogging lately but don't worry I'm still here, keeping busy doing lots of important things like....

Having staring contests with C

Recharging the beagle batteries in the sun

Getting muddy in yard

Laughing at the ridiculous boots M wears to keep her jeans clean in the muddy mess

and most importantly napping... it's very important for me to have my nose covered when I'm sleeping...

It's critical to be able to adapt, if your napping buddy decides to sit up his t-shirt makes an excellent nose guard!!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

We have a cat issue...

Or rather I have a cat issue, M and C don't seem overly concerned about it, but I take my guard-beagle duties very seriously and I consider this cat on my lawn a serious affront to my tough beagle image.

Here I am on high alert after spotting him walking across our lawn.  This is typically my posture right before I let loose with my beagle bark .... which loosely translates as "go back to your own lawn you silly cat".... generally he listens. 

Although, I make sure to stay on high alert because you never know when he might pop out of the landscaping...

I swear I can smell him through this window!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Don't try this at home!

Daytime napping can be a tricky undertaking.  You have to deal with way more light and noise then you do at night.  It's critical to find a place that will allow you to block those out while remaining comfortable.  Luckily I am a highly skilled, professional napper:

Pillows work quite effectively as light and sound barriers.... but it's critically important to leave yourself room to breath....

Notice how I'm treading the fine line of allowing my nose to get to the air, while my eyes remain in the shadow of the pillow, it's a delicate and importance balance.  Hence, why it is extremely important to leave the daytime napping to professionals like me!