Friday, June 15, 2012

My big night out!

Since I will be spending some time at camp GrandmaGrandpa this summer I went over there last night to re-acquaint myself with their doggie Seamus....

I found all this to be very exciting... it was hard for me to sit still

Seamus was excited too

There was so much to smell!!

I found a few crumbs that Seamus left behind... silly boy

I was anxious to assist with dinner, my offer was declined

Are you sure you don't need me in there???

Seamus showing off his table manners...  I was banished during dinner, if you ask me I think it's a little rude to sleep at the table but whatever...

After dinner exploring, this is right before I did a ninja leap to catch up with Seamus

Who was on his way to treat central

He got a better position due to his non-threatening size...

But I made sure that my presence was known

At one point Seamus demonstrated that he too is a jedi dog... this scared me a little...

What is he doing??? I think I'm safer up here....

All in all it went quite well, I'll be happy to spend time at camp this year!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Got my workout in today

Finally!!  I am allowed a little cone freedom and was able to do my normal backyard workout today!  Of course the only thing better then chasing green rubber squid shaped things around the yard is catching the nice cool breeze from the kitchen vent afterward...

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Can we play?

The cone has severely limited my activity, including play time which is SUPER frustrating for me.  Last night I decided to give it a shot despite the scary noises from the scary cone.  Here's how that went:

Sniff sniff hm, I think I can handle playing with this...

Jedi beagle says "a little help here"

Yup I'm sure I can do this toss it now!

Got it!

Curses, dropped it...

Again I say "a little help here"

Much easier to hold on to now... also, you need a tan M


Well let me think about this....

Maybe if I just try to use my paws....

Sigh!  I hate not having thumbs, I imagine they would be quite useful

Friday, June 1, 2012

Just call me saint Baxter

M says my cone looks like a halo in the sun... she thinks she's awfully clever...

I do not agree