Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I have returned Part II

So as I noted last night I'm back!  M & C had the nerve to leave me for two whole weeks... two weeks!  What were they thinking??  Now, I did have a fantastic time with Grandma and Grandpa B, who catered to my every need and Seamus who actually let me play sometimes!  However I was still displeased at being left.  I have tried to remind my humans of this with many reproachful glances...

I do admit that I momentarily fell victim to their attempts to buy their way back into my good graces with a new squeaky green rubber squid (MY FAVORITE TOY EVER)...

But don't let that fool you I'm still a little irritated around the edges.  I'm not sure why I couldn't go along I heard they went many beautiful places...

And saw many interesting things...

And ate delicious food....(would M really go anywhere, where the food wasn't delicious, who are we kidding??)

I like beautiful places and interesting things and I LOVE delicious food and I bet they didn't even stop to savor all the fantastic smells that must have been out there.  I was so very jealous... until I realized that this trip involved a lot of water.... I do not like the water.  This is one beagle who was not cut out to be a swimmer.  In fact this is my face last time they put me in the lake....

Guess I really was better off with Grandma and Grandpa!!

Monday, August 22, 2011

I have returned!

Never fear Eager Beagle fans, I'm back!  Rested and relaxed after two weeks of camp grandma/grandpa!  They are slightly less rested but that's what you get when I'm around.  Still busy unpacking around here...

more to come highlighting the adventures of M & C (without me... I highly disapprove but they don't listen to me).